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Training Yourself to Endure

While karate-ka love to talk about spirit, no one ever seems to define it. Indomitable spirit is one aspect of it, usually in the context of a ferocious warrior-like spirit. Gentleness and benevolence also come up from time to time too, as in the Bushi or gentleman warrior.

For me the spiritual side of training is more grounded than those two extremes. I'm not trying to be an ideal, I'm trying to be, ideally.

I believe that life is difficult. In different ways, and certainly not equally distributed, but everyone will face hardship and have burdens to carry in their lifetime. For me, karate teaches us how to endure this hardship and make peace with the struggle.

Obviously in the dojo we push ourselves past our previous performance as we get stronger and more skilled. One reason I’ve always loved pushups is because they work the most important muscle in karate – the never-give-up muscle.

But the real lessons in spirit come when you look beyond just the physical demands of the art. When you become more advanced, maybe even after you’ve learned every requirement in your style, then you are left to face the monotony of training.

Bare floor, empty dojo. Only what you bring into the space. It can be harsh facing yourself there. Are you the person you claim to be? Do you deserve to call yourself a karateka? Can you stick to something? Can you restart something?

When you take ownership of your training you only have yourself to blame when you don’t live up to your own standards.

I believe that facing that challenge repeatedly, especially after the failures, is good for you. Showing up consistently and pushing yourself, not at the behest of a coach or sensei, but because of your own internal drive, is difficult and something that needs to be learned and practiced. Like a katana being hammered and folded and hammered again, that repetition, not just of the kata, but of facing yourself and challenging yourself and overcoming yourself, changes you. I think for the better.

That’s what spirit means in karate. Not simply endurance, but honesty (with yourself), willingness to try (and fail), and a clearsighted view of your practice and goals (without the dogma). It’s powerful stuff.

My training has made me more aware of my own weakness and tendencies, which in turn has made me more human to myself and more humble, kind, and tolerant with others. When I’m training regularly, I truly am a better person!


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